
14 de abr. de 2007

Martyr Whore - The Blue Coresh Nietzsche Malsain (1996)

Format: mp3, 192
Size: 72 mb, 3% recovery record
Style: Like the "Only Theatre of Pain" of Christian Death
Country: France

Here is the 2nd album of this french band. There is no serious changes if to compare with their 1st LP, which was uploaded here last month. It's only and still not bad re-construction of the debute & iconic release of Christian Death - "Only Theatre of Pain" LP.

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2 Comentários:

Blogger Sin disse...

Is there any way you can repost this one?

23 de janeiro de 2008 às 13:55  
Blogger Unknown disse...

re-post! re-post!

28 de janeiro de 2010 às 15:34  

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